Grow your fitness, health or wellness business with a website that’s proven to generate leads, looks good and is easy for you to manage yourself?

If you are ready to get started, simply click on the button below and enter your details and one of our expert team will contact you to see if this is the right solution for you.

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Or Click Here To Do The Same Thing!
Me and My Girls

My name is David Slaughter and I have helped hundreds of Fitness, Health and Wellness professionals to generate high quality leads online for over 5 years. I have worked with other fitness marketing experts to refine how we build websites to maximise the conversion so that you can get the most from your website.

I regularly attend and talk at fitness marketing events which lets me speak to hundreds of fitpro’s and there are some things that they ALL seem to want out of a website. It needs to generate leads, be easy for them to update themselves and as affordable as possible. I understand that you need a website that is going to help you generate high quality leads and ultimately generate more sales and our latest design is built to do just that.

I want to help as may people as i can so I have decided to come up with a really special package and I’ve also added in some bonuses to help you start generating high quality leads 24/7.

If you would like to take advantage of this special offer simply fill in one of the forms on this page to register your interest and one of the team will be in touch asap to talk you through the in’s and out’s of what we need to do to get started and to make sure this is the right solution for your business.

Here’s The Problem…

Most fitpro’s concentrate on what I like to call hope marketing, in most cases that means a flyer drop to 1000 houses with an offer to come to a class or sign up for a package. This approach rarely works and the results are few and far between. You would be lucky to get 1 person actually sign up or even come to a class.

The reason for this is that firstly people are becoming blind to what they consider junk mail and secondly you are going straight in with an offer to purchase which will also give you very poor results.

Another approach is waiting for referrals from your previous clients, again this strategy will only give you very poor results, you will be lucky to get 1 new client a month (and thats if your lucky!).

The final way of generating new clients is online, which is by far the most affective way to do it but even then the results most fitpro’s get are not very good.

Did you know that 90% of ALL websites are NOT built to convert visitors into leads!

The reason for this is because most “Web Designers” build you a website to look pretty when they should be building it to generate leads or you may try and build it your self but more often than not you just end up wasting countless hours in front of your computer and the end result is a website that dons’t look good and dons’t generate leads!

Of course just having a site that is built to generate leads is not enough, you also need a way of getting people to it, the old saying of “if you build it they will come” is dead and just having a lead generating website is not enough.

Unfortunately “web designers” are rarely internet marketers so they will have no clue on how to generate traffic to your site or what other elements are needed to actually turn those people interested into paying clients.

But what if I told you there was another way to generate new clients from your website regularly…

Well there is!! And over the last 5 years we have tried and tested this formula on hundreds of fitpro’s businesses.

Its a simple process that requires certain elements to work, the main element is a website built to generate leads and capture your prospects information along side a single landing page used to target your ideal client on Facebook (or from anywhere your ideal client is!).

And the best part of this formula is that it removes the guessing and the hours spent trying to find something that works, we have tested it and we know it works, all you need to do is provide the information we ask for and we can build your lead generating website and landing page, then you just follow our online videos which walk you through how to generate leads to them and sit back and what the new clients roll in.

Over the past 5 years we have worked with hundreds of fitpro’s in lots of different niches including Personal training, Pilates, yoga, dance, nutrition, tennis, bootcamps and lots more. So no matter what area of fitness, health or wellness you are in this formula will work for you!

I want you to understand that this is not a trick or a get rich quick thing, you will only get the results if you put in the work and follow the formula but if you are willing to put the work in you can get some amazing results.

These are just some of the fitness, health and wellness businesses we have worked with…

























Here’s What You Will Get…


Lead Generating Website

You will get a new website that is proven to convert upto 30% higher than a standard “brochure website” and that you can easily update your self in the future as your business grows.

(Standard Cost: £597)


Lead Generating Landing Page

Your lead generating landing page can be used to market specific products or services on platforms like facebook, this is something that will help you to have a constant flow of new clients and can easily be changed to your business needs.

(Standard Cost: £120)


Access To Our Professional Image Library

Finding good quality images that are free to use for your marketing can be tough! So we will give you access to our image library that we have been building for the last couple or years, we have over 100 images in our library and we are adding more.



Access To Our "Fire Your Designer" Online Training Course

Creating professional quality designs like Facebook Covers, Facebook Posts, Flyers, Ebook Covers etc can be tough and expensive if you hire a designer. In our “Fire Your Designer” course we will show you how to create professional quality designs using FREE software.

(Standard Cost: £49)

Standard Price: £766

Your Price: £597

You can even pay in 3 monthly instalments of £199

Register Your Interest!
Or Click Here To Do The Same Thing!

Here’s What Other Fitness, Health & Wellness Professionals Are Saying…

My new website is now generating at least 3/4 leads PER DAY which is amazing!

i had had a website running for the past few years, but was not really generating many enquiries from it and felt it needed updating as my business had changed a lot. I was using a friend but the results were quite slow and not what I was looking for.

My only reservation about working with david was whether or not my website would still look nice and attractive and eye catching as i knew his formula generated leads but still wanted it to look good.

I’m so pleased with how fast and efficient it has been getting my new website made – nothing is too much trouble and even little changes get done so fast and everything is made very clear. My new website is now generating at least 3/4 leads PER DAY which is amazing!

Becky Mercer

Director of Dance Unlimited

David understands how the fitness industry works and will build your site to an excellent standard and help your business grow

I recently started my own personal training business and was aware of the importance of having a good website to advertise my services. As I had no idea how to design a website I enquired with some local web designers and was surprised at how much they were charging to build a site which fitted their idea of how my website should look, but was not what I envisaged. Fortunately for me I met David Slaughter at a Lucy Johnson ‘Fully Booked Formula’ business seminar in September 2013 and was immediately impressed by his professionalism and the fact that he had an in depth knowledge of how to design websites specifically for fitness professionals based on years of experience. Further, the cost to build the site was considerably more competitive than my previous quotes with a better end product.

Throughout the whole process when I was writing the content for my website David was only a phone call away and I found his advice and expertise invaluable. I can only describe the website that David designed for me as highly professional and better than I could ever have anticipated. I have had numerous compliments about the layout of the site and how professional it looks and having seen my competitor’s websites I clearly ‘stand out from the crowd.’ I also have peace of mind knowing that if I need any advice or support in the future, David will be on hand to assist me.

I would strongly advise any fitness professionals who are thinking about having their website designed to contact David as understands how the fitness industry works and will build your site to an excellent standard and help your business grow.

Thanks again David, you made what appeared to be a daunting task for me into an enjoyable experience.

Brian Carr

Personal Trainer

Here are just some of the powerful features you get that will start generating leads for your fitness business.

Our Tried and Tested Fitness Website Layout That is Proven To Convert.

We have spent over 4 years and worked with some of the leading fitness marketing experts to come up with a layout that is proven to convert upto 40% higher than a standard “brochure website”.

Lead Generating Landing Page.

Your lead generating landing page can be used to market specific products or services on platforms like facebook, this is something that will help you to have a constant flow of new clients and can easily be changed to your business needs.

Integrates With Autoresponder
30 Modules

Built In Authority Blog

Build your authority in your field and keep your prospects coming back to your website by giving them free high value news and articles with your new built in blog.

Access To Our Professional Image Library.

Finding good quality images that are free to use for your marketing can be tough! So we will give you access to our image library that we have been building for the last couple or years, we have over 100 images in our library and we are adding more.

Integrates With Autoresponder
30 Modules

Access To Our “Fire Your Designer” Online Training Course.

Creating professional quality designs like Facebook Covers, Facebook Posts, Flyers, Ebook Covers etc can be tough and expensive if you hire a designer. In our “Fire Your Designer” course we will show you how to create professional quality designs using FREE software.

Our Two Step Optin Technology Which Can Skyrocket Your Conversion.

Its been proven that rather than having an optin form asking for your prospects name, email etc as soon as they land on your page, you have a simple button saying for example “Click Here To Get Your FREE XXXXXX” at which point a form pops up. This increases conversion and looks great to!

30 Modules
Mobile Optimised

Fully Optimised For Mobile Devices.

Mobile search and browsing is MASSIVE and if your website does not look great on ALL devices, including mobile phones and Tablets you will be missing out on potential clients.

No Ongoing Monthly Fee’s. Once It’s All Set Up You Have Complete Control.

You will be able to update, change and manage your own website using the built in easy to use interface and you also get access to our training area which has videos which show you how to change or add all the elements to your website yourself!

Members Area
Integrates With Autoresponder

Integrates With Your AutoResponder So You Can Automate Your Follow Up.

Building your email list is a key part of any online marketing strategy so our two step optin works with all the major autoresponder services. Including, Mailchimp, Aweber and Infusionsoft. This also means that your follow up process can be automated to work 24/7.

30 Content Modules. Making it easy to add the content you really want.

You can easily add over 30 modules into your pages, including full width sliders, call to action buttons, optin buttons, images, videos, countdown timers and lots more.

30 Modules
Social Media Integration

Social Media Integration

Social media is a huge part of any online success so we have made it easy for you to encourage your website visitors to like, follow and share your content with our built in Facebook feed and social media sharing buttons.

Here are just some of the powerful features you get that will start generating leads for your fitness business.

Our Tried and Tested Fitness Website Layout That is Proven To Convert.

We have spent over 4 years and worked with some of the leading fitness marketing experts to come up with a layout that is proven to convert upto 40% higher than a standard “brochure website”.

Lead Generating Landing Page.

Integrates With Autoresponder

Your lead generating landing page can be used to market specific products or services on platforms like facebook, this is something that will help you to have a constant flow of new clients and can easily be changed to your business needs.

Built In Authority Blog

30 Modules

Build your authority in your field and keep your prospects coming back to your website by giving them free high value news and articles with your new built in blog.

Access To Our Professional Image Library.

Integrates With Autoresponder

Finding good quality images that are free to use for your marketing can be tough! So we will give you access to our image library that we have been building for the last couple or years, we have over 100 images in our library and we are adding more.

Access To Our “Fire Your Designer” Online Training Course.

30 Modules

Creating professional quality designs like Facebook Covers, Facebook Posts, Flyers, Ebook Covers etc can be tough and expensive if you hire a designer. In our “Fire Your Designer” course we will show you how to create professional quality designs using FREE software.

Our Two Step Optin Technology Which Can Skyrocket Your Conversion.

30 Modules

Its been proven that rather than having an optin form asking for your prospects name, email etc as soon as they land on your page, you have a simple button saying for example “Click Here To Get Your FREE XXXXXX” at which point a form pops up. This increases conversion and looks great to!

Fully Optimised For Mobile Devices.

Mobile Optimised

Mobile search and browsing is MASSIVE and if your website does not look great on ALL devices, including mobile phones and Tablets you will be missing out on potential clients.

No Ongoing Monthly Fee’s. Once It’s All Set Up You Have Complete Control.

Members Area

You will be able to update, change and manage your own website using the built in easy to use interface and you also get access to our training area which has videos which show you how to change or add all the elements to your website yourself!

Integrates With Your AutoResponder So You Can Automate Your Follow Up.

Integrates With Autoresponder

Building your email list is a key part of any online marketing strategy so our two step optin works with all the major autoresponder services. Including, Mailchimp, Aweber and Infusionsoft. This also means that your follow up process can be automated to work 24/7.

30 Content Modules. Making it easy to add the content you really want.

30 Modules

You can easily add over 30 modules into your pages, including full width sliders, call to action buttons, optin buttons, images, videos, countdown timers and lots more.

Social Media Integration

30 Modules

Social media is a huge part of any online success so we have made it easy for you to encourage your website visitors to like, follow and share your content with our built in Facebook feed and social media sharing buttons.

If you are ready to get started, simply click on the button below and enter your details and one of our expert team will contact you to see if this is the right solution for you.

Yes, Please Contact Me!
Or Click Here To Do The Same Thing!

More From Other Fitness, Health and Wellness Professionals we Have Worked With…

Here’s What You Will Get…


Lead Generating Website

You will get a new website that is proven to convert upto 30% higher than a standard “brochure website” and that you can easily update your self in the future as your business grows.

(Standard Cost: £597)


Lead Generating Landing Page

Your lead generating landing page can be used to market specific products or services on platforms like facebook, this is something that will help you to have a constant flow of new clients and can easily be changed to your business needs.

(Standard Cost: £120)


Access To Our Professional Image Library

Finding good quality images that are free to use for your marketing can be tough! So we will give you access to our image library that we have been building for the last couple or years, we have over 100 images in our library and we are adding more.



Access To Our "Fire Your Designer" Online Training Course

Creating professional quality designs like Facebook Covers, Facebook Posts, Flyers, Ebook Covers etc can be tough and expensive if you hire a designer. In our “Fire Your Designer” course we will show you how to create professional quality designs using FREE software.

(Standard Cost: £49)

Standard Price: £766

Your Price: £597

You can even pay in 3 monthly instalments of £199

Register Your Interest!
Or Click Here To Do The Same Thing!


Are There Any Other Costs Involved?

Yes, you will also need a domain name which is roughly £10 per year and you will also need some hosting, the cost varies but its roughly £5 per month. We will advise on the best hosting to purchase.

Do I Pay More If I Select The 3 Month Payment Plan?

NO, the total cost of the package is the same, the payment plan is their to make it a little easier to invest in.

Is there a time limit on building my new website if I sign up?

NO, once you have purchased your website its yours, there is no time limit so you can enjoy this great price even if you are not ready to get started right away.

How Long Does It Take To Complete a Website?

It really depends, we work quickly so the sooner we get your content and all the other info we require we can get your website completed. The rough turn around time is 3 weeks.

Can I Update and Make Changes To The Website Once its Completed?

Yes, once the website is finished we hand it over to you along with video that walk you through how to make changes in the future.

Do you help with writing copy?

We do not offer help with writing copy as such but we do give you examples of other sites that you can use to help. Also, our standard website layout means that there is not as much content needed as you would need for a standard brochure style site. Plus we will read through the content you send to make sure it works.

If you are ready to get started, simply click on the button below and enter your details and one of our expert team will contact you to see if this is the right solution for you.

Yes, Please Contact Me!
Or Click Here To Do The Same Thing!